Scale To Expansion Mastermind


Where 6-figure Businesses are born. Where passion-led women step into the next expansive level of their online business.


That passion-led business you've always dreamt of?
It's yours.

You started your online service-based business and things are okay. You've hit that income glass ceiling and you’re stuck in the loop of making $2-3k a month. You’re working more hours than your 9-5. You've supported incredible business owners to achieve incredible success but you want to work on your business rather than someone else's. You love your clients BUT you feel like you have multiple bosses. 

You have felt the call to become the go-to expert,

Imagine knowing exactly what to sell, and how to sell it to hit repeatable $10k months (without feeling like you’re selling your soul).


You are ready to shift 🚀

You‘re ready for more to shift  🚀

You’re ready to create more impact. 

You are ready for the next challenge.  

Sound familiar?

Only 8 4 spots are available!

Say no more, I'm in!
you are ready for expansion 

🧨 You are ready (and excited) to build a freedom-focused online business where you’re no longer trading hours for dollars. 

🧨 You are so ready to sign 5 figure clients and you want to make it a reality.

🧨 You want to step away from the $$p/h business model and want to transform your offers into high ticket packages. 

🧨 You're ready for a strategy that helps you bring in reoccurring $10k months. Each month you know exactly how much cash is coming into the business.

🧨 You're here to do good in this world and make a positive impact in the online space with your magic.

🧨 Do you want to do all of the above but have NO idea where to start, who to market to, how to diversify your message or craft your offers?

It all happens inside this supportive and potent program.

Your exclusive first-class ticket to your expansive next-level business, that allows you to step away from the done-for-you work and into a thriving business.

you are ready for expansion 


🧨 You are ready (and excited) to build a freedom-focused online business where you’re no longer trading hours for dollars. 

🧨 You are so ready to sign 5 figure clients and you want to make it a reality.

🧨 You want to step away from the $$p/h business model and want to transform your offers into high ticket packages. 

🧨 You're ready for a strategy that helps you bring in reoccurring $10k months. Each month you know exactly how much cash is coming into the business.

🧨 Want to add high-ticket coaching offers to your business (like 1:1 mentorship, group coaching or an online course) that sell on autopilot?

🧨 You're here to do good in this world and make a positive impact in the online space with your magic.

🧨 Do you want to do all of the above but have NO idea where to start, who to market to, how to diversify your message or craft your offers?


It all happens inside this supportive and potent program.

Your exclusive first-class ticket to your expansive next-level business, that allows you to step away from the done-for-you work and into a thriving business.



i'll show you how.

My business grew really quickly - within 6 weeks of starting my VA business I was fully booked.

I was so ready to step away from being IN someone else's business and scale my own business. 

In less than a year of being a Coach, I scaled my business to 6 figures, built and launched a highly successful online course, coached over 200 women and designed a digital product that sells in my sleep.

Introducing Scale to Expansion Mastermind Program, a 6-month mastermind program - with me - to help you expand from working 'in' someone's business to scaling yours.

So maybe you are already thinking..

That all sounds pretty good, but why should I have you as my coach?

In the past 2 years, I have grown my business beyond my wildest dreams.

I built a business that allowed me to:

✨ Working part-time hours times while still hitting (over) 6 figures.

✨ Pay for a European holiday for myself and my partner and still hit my financial goals (and upgraded us to business class).

✨ Literally, work from anywhere! 

✨ Created passive sales, so I can literally make money in my sleep. 

✨ Celebrated a $33k launch that felt easy and fun. 

✨ Had cash months of $20k+

✨ Felt so lit up on $10k cash days. 

✨ Work with soulmate clients, who I truly love. 

I built a business that changed my life, and  now I want to share my knowledge and strategies with you.


 🔥 Building a business that allows you to scale to $10k months while having incredible freedom, without the endless hours of done-for-you client work. 

🔥 Having the confidence to show up and sell as the next-level you because you're armed with the exact tools, strategies and mindset you need to "be" this person who makes high-ticket sales with ease.

🔥 Selling a wildly successful high-ticket offering to your business (like 1:1 mentorship, group coaching, packages or an online course) that your audience is obsessed with?

🔥 Waking up each morning to see sales of your program coming through while you slept.

🔥 Being the go-to person for training and mentoring.

🔥 Being the expert and being able to offer transformational packages to clients. 

🔥 No longer working 'in' someone else's business.


This is all possible inside this expansive container.

trust me when I say it’s possible...

because i’ve done it!


I’ll be with you every step of the way over six months to help you grow your business and build really powerful offerings.


 The Framework🧨

✨ Your signature magnetic offer 

We will craft your signature offer that not only reflects your unique strengths but propels your business towards sustainable growth, so you can say goodbye to income unpredictability and hello to a consistent stream of revenue each month. Your signature offer isn't just a service; it's a ticket to feeling safe in your business, surpassing your income goals as it brings in predictable monthly recurring revenue. Together we will create aligned offers that’ll have your audience banging down the door the moment you start selling them.

✨ Your scalable systems - 6-figure tech, systems and automations.

Step into a world where your tech setup, systems, and automations aren't just tools but catalysts for six-figure success. My team and I will guide you through the maze of tech, streamline your systems, and automate processes, so you are fully supported by systems and a rock-solid back-end structure. My team and I will support you as you set up funnels, design your business processes, build out your lead magnet and nurture sequence and build automated systems that sell your offers in your sleep so you can scale your online business.  

✨ Your 6 figure sales strategies 

Imagine a sales strategy that feels less like a pitch and more like a genuine conversation, effortlessly guiding potential clients to 'yes'. Welcome to a world where your sales strategy isn't about tactics, but a seamless, authentic journey. The Mastermind is tailored to sculpt your sales approach into connection, making the 'close' a natural progression. Say goodbye to pushy techniques and embrace a strategy that understands, resonates, and ultimately converts.  Each week we will dive into your DMs, audit your sales conversations, and refine your sales techniques, so you can sell with confidence. 

By mastering your magnetic offer, harnessing 6-figure tech and systems, and refining sales processes, you're not just building your business – you're creating a business that feels safe, a business where growth feels sustainable and your financial goals are shattered. 


✨ 1:1 Coaching + Hot Seat Coaching

The program is a mix of 1:1 coaching and hot-seat group coaching! Here’s how we’ll make magic together with a blend of high-level coaching and implementation.

Throughout the mastermind, we will meet for monthly 1:1 coaching sessions, so we can craft your service suite, build your roadmap, track your business growth and ensure you are feeling supported. On our calls, we’ll create your strategic roadmap for more income, greater impact and more freedom. 

We will meet for bi-weekly, high-energy group coaching sessions, so we can work closely together to sell your offers, review your progress, audit your sales conversations and keep you moving forward in alignment. 

 ✨ High-level business + tech support 

With an incredible team by your side, you'll receive personalised guidance, tailored strategies, and high support to elevate your business. Whether it's fine-tuning your packages, optimising your marketing funnels, or navigating the world of online platforms, we've got you covered. 


I've deliberately limited the available spots to just 8 4, creating an intimate and incredibly supportive container.

the details



In our first coaching call together we dive into your big goals and set the foundations for exponential success, right from the get-go.  We will build your signature offer, review your service suite and craft your roadmap to launching your offers. After 90 days, we will reflect on your progress, celebrate your wins, and fine-tune your next steps for continued growth.

 Valued at $700
On our calls, no stone goes unturned as we delve into your strategy, mindset, profit planning and scaling. These sessions will give you the exact next steps so you can move forward with confidence. This is the expansive space where you will connect with the women inside the mastermind, access hot seat coaching and ask the big juicy questions.
Valued at $7,000

Outside of our calls, you’re fully supported inside our community coaching channel. Reach out to me for coaching and mentorship using the messaging app, Whatsapp. Whether you need strategic advice, direction, want to share some wins inside the mastermind or just some loving words of encouragement, I’m available to chat Monday to Friday so you can move the needle forward, faster between calls.

Valued at $6,000
Want the tools of a 6 figure coach? I've got you! When you step inside this coaching container you have access to every template, tool, resource and swipe file I have used and implemented inside my business. This access is your shortcut roadmap to working with coaching clients sooner!                   
Valued at $3,000

Embrace the unwavering support of my expert team, ready to assist you with all operational aspects, from navigating tech platforms and setting up funnels to streamlining automations, hiring a team, and building a solid foundational structure to expand your online business. We've got your back every step of the way! Each month you’ll have the opportunity to speak with my incredible OBM and systems expert, Krystal Hudson via a monthly live coaching session.

Valued at $2,400

This mastermind experience is an extraordinary journey that extends beyond having me as your coach and learning from my expertise. It's about connecting with a community of incredible women who will stand by your side, cheering you on, sharing their knowledge, and celebrating your collective successes. Together, we'll create an empowering community that supports each other every step of the way!



Require extra assistance tech and systems support? You'll have access to incredible tech and systems scaling support via Slack with my wonderful team member Krystal! She's here to provide you with tech and systems scaling support, ensuring you have the resources and guidance you need to tackle any tech-related challenges. From setting up efficient automations to optimizing your tech platforms and beyond, Krystal's expertise will be right at your fingertips. So, get ready to level up your business with seamless system.

VALUED AT $5,000


Need my eyes on your work? I’m here to review your content, copy, packages, sales pages, or launch plan. You’ll have my expert eyes on your work to provide direction you need.      

VALUED AT $3,800

I know you're here because you're ready for more.


If you’re ready to grow your business and build powerful offerings, this program is for you.

Over six months in an intimate container, I’ll support you to grow your business as you support amazing women to be their own boss.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!



hey, i’m lou!

 I'm your personal proof that it's possible to build a busines that gives you incredible freedom while also giving you an incredible income. 

My business journey started in the pandemic when my role was made redundant and I no longer had a full-time job. My 'safe' job wasn't that safe. 

It was so tempting to hide under a blanket binging on Netflix … but deep down I knew my ‘one-day’ had arrived! It was my time to face the fear of failure and start a business as a VA. It was time to follow my dreams.

Spoiler alert: facing the fear and following my dreams was one of my best decisions. Within six weeks (yes, 6 weeks) I had to close my books. I had no capacity to take on new clients.

I knew I wanted to continue to scale my business, so I stepped into coaching. These days I’m living my dream by coaching amazing women to follow their own dreams by starting - and growing - successful online businesses.

I have a proven track record of helping incredible women build the 6 businesses while also living the life of their dreams.

I coach heart-led and ambitious women to grow their passion and purpose into a business where freedom, flexibility and profitability are at the forefront. 

Let’s do this! (I can’t wait to work together). 

Real talk:
Who this program is for.

The Scale to Expansion Mastermind if for you if...

✅ You're a service based business owner, who’s is making $2-3k a month and is ready to expand their business. 

✅ You're a community-driven human who values sisterhood and connections. In our tight-knit mastermind group, we're dedicated to mutual growth, thriving, and celebrating each other's victories. 

✅ You're ready to step into a new chapter of your business. One where you step into your growth, embrace being stretched and are committed to showing up and doing the work. 

I'm sharing this because I want you to understand how committed I am to building a community of individuals who share a common drive to expand and support one another. You deserve to be immersed in a mastermind that's wholly dedicated to nurturing your growth and celebrating your successes. To ensure this is an intimate and highly supportive space, there are only 8 spots available.

📞 Want to see if this is the right fit for you? Book a free call.
Real talk:
Who this program is for.

The Scale to Expansion Mastermind if for you if...

✅ You're a service based business owner, who’s is making $2-3k a month and is ready to expand their business. 

✅ You're a community-driven human who values sisterhood and connections. In our tight-knit mastermind group, we're dedicated to mutual growth, thriving, and celebrating each other's victories. 

✅ You're ready to step into a new chapter of your business. One where you step into your growth, embrace being stretched and are committed to showing up and doing the work. 

I'm sharing this because I want you to understand how committed I am to building a community of individuals who share a common drive to expand and support one another. You deserve to be immersed in a mastermind that's wholly dedicated to nurturing your growth and celebrating your successes. To ensure this is an intimate and highly supportive space, there are only 8 spots available.

📞 Want to see if this is the right fit for you? Book a free call.


My goal is to help make this decision feel really good for you! 


Hit the button below to message me on Instagram and we can dive into your goals and how Scale to Expansion can help you achieve them!



I’m here to make this decision feel really good


Hit the button below to message me on Instagram and we can dive into your goals and how Scale to Coach can help you achieve them!